All details for a specific merchant are provided
successful operation
Bad Request. The request parameters (or body) were malformed or invalid. Fix the issues with the request and try again.
Unauthorized request. Make sure token was included and is valid and try again.
Forbidden. You are not permitted to access the requested resource.
Not Found. The specified resource (or resource referred to by id) was not found
Method Not Allowed. The API was accessed with the wrong method
Too Many Requests. The API is rate-limited. Wait and try your request again.
Internal Server Error. An unexpected error has occurred. This may be due to a transient error. Retry the request and if the issue persists, please contact support.
Service Unavailable. The service is temporarily unavailable. Try your request later.
curl -i -X GET \ '{merchantId}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'
{- "merchantId": 254,
- "sponsorId": 2,
- "id": 762,
- "name": "Preferred Merchant",
- "dba": "Preferred Merchant Store",
- "mid": 12345678,
- "address1": "123 Anystreet",
- "address2": "Suite 400",
- "city": "Anytown",
- "state": "Texas",
- "postalCode": 75069,
- "country": "US",
- "phone": "+1-512-555-1212",
- "email": "",
- "mcc": 5999,
- "mccSegment": "Retail electronics",
- "mccDescription": "Retail sales of electronics goods",
- "status": "Active",
- "discovery": {
- "addedViaDiscovery": false,
- "inDiscovery": false
}, - "urls": [
], - "contacts": [
- {
- "contactId": 678,
- "firstName": "Jon",
- "lastName": "Marler",
- "phone": "+1-512-555-1212",
- "email": ""