Obtaining a Token to Use VikingCloud Portal APIs

With their VikingCloud Portal credentials (username and password), a user can obtain a token from our Token API to use our product APIs. This is a prerequisite to making product API requests

Token Validity

This token is valid for a limited time (specified in the exp claim of the JWT). The token will be sent in all requests to platform APIs, covered on the next page.

Protect that JWT!

Take care to protect your JWT from being leaked, just like you would your password; While expiration times on JWTs will limit the risk if exposed, anyone who obtains your JWT could gain access to your data or perform operations that your user is entitled to.

Possible Errors during Authentication

During authentication you may recieve an error if you provide the wrong username/password combination, a locked user, or a transient failure

Contact VikingCloud support for the product you with to use the API with if you are having difficulty obtaining a token. For WRM, send an email to: WRMSupport@vikingcloud.com.